I have spent the week completing detailed drawings using photographs taken at the exhibitions in London as references. It has meant being very selective with the photos taken, this is in order to develop a strong working concept. I can be a bit of a perfectionist and am greatly inspired by detail, so these drawings should suitably fit in with my style. I decided to work my drawings in black and white so they are easier to work with when developed further. As I am interested in print, at this moment in time I feel the collection will have a strong decorative feel. The iron works exhibition has proved to be very influential and can see most of my print designs being sourced back to this visit. The images to the right are extracts from my sketchbook of current drawings I have been working on. I feel the bottom two drawings have potential to be developed further into successful print design ideas, however they will need to be developed further and stylized in order for a successful individual design.
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